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Hey, I’m

J. J.


Writer / Editor / Consultant



Published Works

About Jori

Jori (J.J.) Hanna began writing in seventh grade, experimenting with what it would take to write a book. In 2019, she achieved a B.S. in Professional Writing from Taylor University, and hopped around in the industry from 2019-2021, working as a literary agent (C.Y.L.E.), a virtual assistant (Elizabeth Musser), a freelance publicist (Light Messages and Torchflame Books), until joining Torchflame Books fully time as Publicist and Assistant Editor, where she worked as a developmental editor and and cover designer. In 2022 she was promoted to Director of Author and Public Relations, working closely with authors to establish their personal brands and marketing efforts, and in 2024 her title changed to Director of Marketing and Public Relations.


In 2023, She began my own author services company, Hanna Book Solutions, to assist a wider range of authors in book marketing and production efforts. In support of this, she is also a traveling speaker at writers conferences, and was invited as the Intensive Track lead speaker at the Taylor University Professional Writer's Conference in 2024.


To date, she has drafted 10 completed, though unpublished, novel manuscripts. She has a tendency to write suspenseful stories featuring criminals and their antics, and is currently seeking a literary agent for her most recent psychological thriller.


She routinely shares short fiction and serialized fiction on her blog, as well as sharing book marketing advice on the blog at Hanna Book Solutions. 



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