All good things doesn't mean it's all a good thing.
The busier my life gets, the more I feel the weight of my commitments. I feel the need to go in all directions at once. I feel the pull of opportunities and obligations and I find something has to give, or I won't be able to do any of the things I love.

I choose good things to do, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. More importantly, there's such a thing as too many good things. The more things there are in life, the more distractions there can be to hearing God's voice.
Too often in the last week my prayer has been "Let me be enough. I'm not much, but let me, in whatever I am, be enough for whatever situation you put me in."
I'm just me. I have a few very specific skill sets and I over commit way too often. When that happens I find I need God to slow me down, to slow my life down, and give me the rest I so desperately need.
And if not rest, I ask for sustenance. Sometimes the plates can't be dropped. Sometimes the plates need to be taken off their spinning poles. Either way, something has to change in a busy lifestyle before everything falls apart because one thing fell out of rhythm.
There have been a lot of things out of rhythm recently, and my plates seem to threaten to fall. Whether it's a hospitalization of a loved one, hosting a friend for a week, sharing my home state and my childhood in the spare moments, trying to keep up with work, getting a laptop fixed, and all the while also trying to get over a cough I've had for a month, there are many things that make me feel too busy to have a quiet time in the morning. There are a lot of things that make me feel too busy to take time to care for myself. After all, I need to be caring for everyone else, right?
But the plates will fall if I don't sit down. I can't keep running in circles. Eventually, the spinning plate act has to stop and give way to a different act, and those plates have to stop spinning.
Here is what I know: Jesus is very clear that God alone can give us rest. We cannot function without him. We cannot keep the pace we long to keep without his influence.
So why is he the first of our commitments to fall away when life fills up?
My prayer this week is that we can cling to what we need to cling to, that the plates can stop spinning without any huge disasters, and that the busy times in our lives will be filled with God'God's blessings and peace.
Go in rest this week.

J. J. Hanna is a writer and reader who loves God and wants to help encourage others with what she knows and what she's learning. Answer her questions with a quick note and connect with her on social media. She's excited to hear from you!
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