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God is Good

I am so incredibly blessed to have a God who loves me like this looking out for me and paving a way for me. I am so incredibly blessed to...

Daily Habits

First, I want to say thanks for your patience as I graduated college, moved back home, and didn't post for a month. This month has given...

Are You Okay With That?

Over the past year, there is one lesson God has been teaching me that I can say with certainty. That lesson is to cling to him. I'm...

The Gospel Pt. 1 and 2

The Gospel message has many potential beginnings, but Jesus' work on the cross has two distinct parts. There is the work that happened on...

One More Second

In all my years learning to play sports, there is one thing that stands out to me: I can always do it one more time. I can hold the plank...

Little Blessings

The other day, as I was setting my lunch on a table in a public place, my full cup of water tipped over and emptied its contents. Water...

Potential for Freedom

Do you ever think about why it is that you're alive, despite all of the odds facing humanity? You could have a heart attack. A vending...

Rest in God

All good things doesn't mean it's all a good thing. The busier my life gets, the more I feel the weight of my commitments. I feel the...

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this:...

Take a Deep Breath

I've been sick recently. I caught a cold that turned into a cough that lasted for three weeks. This cough was unlike any other cough I've...

The Storms of Life

Mark 4 : 36-41 35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind,...

Keeping All the Plates Spinning

Life is busy. Life is really, really busy. And if you're anything like me, you often find yourself wondering how you'll ever have enough...

Not Made for the Sabbath

And he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath." -- Mark 2:...

What is Enough?

I've been thinking a lot recently of what it means to have "enough." I'm in my last semester of college, so my bank account is low. This...

The Beauty of Hosea

I sometimes fall into the trap of acting as if the Bible consists of a few main sections: Genesis-Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Job (on...

Connecting to the Real

I love stories. I love fiction and fairytales. Growing up, they always gave me space to engage with the things of life in ways I could...

The Great Secret of the Next Step

I wish I could tell you it's easy to be patient. It's not. In fact, I've spent most of my life struggling and fighting and working toward...

How Radical Was Jesus?

I attended a small Christian high school. Each year, we had a theme that we focused on throughout our chapel services and in our Bible...

It's the Little Things

The other day I found myself at the beginning of Exodus. I'd intended to read the whole first chapter, but, as things would have it, I...

Why Worship if God Knows He's Great?

Why worship if God already knows how great he is? After all, we believe as Christians that God is all-knowing, and his power doesn’t...

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