I've been sick recently. I caught a cold that turned into a cough that lasted for three weeks. This cough was unlike any other cough I've had. In the first moments, the air was expelled from my lungs. My body kept trying to cough, but there was no air to force anything out with, and I found myself wheezing and leaning against the nearest wall, trying not to let the malfunction of my lungs knock me onto the ground.

I don't know if you've ever experienced not being able to breathe, but just in case...
It sucks.
You're trapped in a body that is supposed to function in a very specific, very helpful way. But it isn't doing what it's supposed to. Or, maybe it is, and there's something in your lungs that really needs to be expelled.
Now, sitting in the midst of a rare moment where the medicine is effective and I can be calm, I'm experiencing a moment of normalcy. I can breathe again.
But I know this moment won't last. I know that soon another cough will force my mouth into the crevice of my elbow and I'll push all of my longed-for air out of my lungs, unable to draw breath back in that way until I can force myself to relax.
Fortunately, I've found one thing that helps: A deep breath in through the nose, hold it, out through the mouth. Repeat. A deep breath in through the nose, hold it for the count of three, release.
I was reminded of this while I sat with my mentor today. We were talking about breath prayers, a method of prayer that goes with the rhythm of your lungs. Breathe in--thank you Lord, breathe out--I give you praise.
These prayers are centering. Like my deep breaths in the midst of a coughing fit calm my body, breath prayers calm my spirit.
There are all sorts of breath prayers--thanks, praise, help.
In: Help me, God.
Out: I need you.
In: Thank you, Lord!
Out: I give you praise.
In: God Almighty,
Out: You are with me.
If you find yourself rocked by the coughing fits of life, take a deep breath. God is in control.

J. J. Hanna is a writer and reader who loves God and wants to help encourage others with what she knows and what she's learning. Answer her questions with a quick note and connect with her on social media. She's excited to hear from you!
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