Why worship if God already knows how great he is?

After all, we believe as Christians that God is all-knowing, and his power doesn’t increase or diminish based on how many worship songs we give every service.
So why worship?
It’s important for us to understand is that worship isn’t a one-sided conversation. It can seem that way at times, when we sing worship songs but don’t feel physically different, when we receive no spiritual high.
But for Christians, worship isn’t about throwing praises up a mountaintop toward a god who may not be listening or even care.
Scripture teaches us that God cares for us (1 Peter 5:7), loves us (Romans 8:39), and that he hears whatever his followers ask of him (1 John 5:15).
Not only that, but he often talks back to us.
David Platt commented in his book Radical that what makes Christianity unusual is that it describes a situation where God comes down from the mountaintop to meet us.
One of the times God does that is during worship time.
The way God responds to us during worship varies. Sometimes he simply gives us a sense of loving intimacy. Sometimes he has a particular message he wants to tell us.
Whatever he chooses to say, worship is always an opportunity to hear from him.
Even when we don’t hear God saying anything in particular during worship, it doesn’t mean worship is a waste of time.
We’ve still taken the time to meet with him, and he’s heard us.
So even in those times when we’re getting nothing out of worship and God seems silent, worshipping is still a kind of quality time with God.
It gives us a chance to commune with our heavenly Father, to talk to him and perhaps hear something in return.
This week, dare to do more than just worship because it’s Sunday morning. See it as an opportunity to meet with God, feel his love, and respond back.
This post was contributed to Coffee Date by G. Connor Salter.
G. Connor Salter is a writer who enjoys thinking about tough things and writing down what he learns along the way. He has contributed Christian living articles to The Secret Place, Marvelous Happy Things and Area of Effect. You can find more of his articles on his website, gcsalter.wordpress.com.